Church & Community

News at St James with Emmanuel, New Brighton

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Fellowship of Hope

Monthly Prayer meeting for Wallasey will be taking place on July 11th at 7:30pm, at Hope House, 78 Egerton Street. For more information contact hosts, Steve and Liz Smith on 0151 639 3292.

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article by Paul Maines
Friday 16th June, 2017


Summer Fair

The Summer Fair will be at Emmanuel on Saturday 24th June from 11:30am - 2pm. Lunches will be served, and there will be a range of fabulous stalls including books, cakes, toys, white elephant...

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article by Sally Giles
Friday 16th June, 2017


Christian Aid

St James with Emmanuel has so far raised £1127.21 for the refugees. Many thanks to those who collected the envelopes, supported the Breakfast, or just gave. It all makes a difference. Rev Heather

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article by Rev Heather Atkinson
Friday 16th June, 2017


Christians Against Poverty Money Course

This course is to be held at Community Soul Coffee Shop, Wallasey Village, beginning Sunday, July 2 from 2:30pm - 4pm, with a second session on Sunday, July 16.

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article by Paul Maines
Friday 16th June, 2017


Barnabus Fund Sponsored Bike Ride

On Saturday 1st July, 85 year old, Canon John Bowers, will ride his "flying Gate" bicycle on a 40 mile pilgrimage to Chester Cathedral and back to West Kirby, in support of the Cana Girls and Syrians...

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article by Trevor Thomas
Saturday 10th June, 2017


Prayer For London

Please follow this link to the [https://www.Facebook.Com/thechurchofengland/videos/10155456857321385/ Church of England video for London]

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article by Rev Heather Atkinson
Tuesday 6th June, 2017


Praise In The Park

Praise In The Park

On Pentecost Sunday, 4th June, Wallasey Churches Together are organising Praise In The Park. This event will be taking place by the bandstand in Vale Park, New Brighton. The event will start with a...

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article by Paul Maines
Friday 2nd June, 2017


Ladies Fellowship

The next Ladies Fellowship meeting will next be taking place on Thursday 8th June, at 8pm, in Emmanuel Coffee Lounge. This month the guest speaker will be a folk singer named Gerry French, who will...

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article by Viv Lythgoe
Friday 2nd June, 2017


Praise In The Park

On Pentecost Sunday, 4th June, Wallasey Churches Together are organising Praise In The Park. This event will be taking place by the bandstand in Vale Park, New Brighton. The event will start with a...

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article by Paul Maines
Friday 2nd June, 2017


Wirral Walk

A reminder that the Wirral Walk is on Sunday 18th June. If you are able to keep Richard, Heather & Lesley company for all or part of the walk I'm sure they would be delighted. Registration &...

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article by Richard Wilberforce
Friday 2nd June, 2017


Half of Pastors Plan to Vote for Trump, Nearly a Quarter Wouldn't Say

Like other Americans, pastors are deciding who they'll vote for in the November election. Compared to previous elections, however, they're much more hesitant to share their preference. Almost all US...
Christianity Today
2024-09-17 @ 16:39

Ohio Haitians Feel Panic, Local Christians Try to Repair Divides

On Thursday, Viles Dorsainvil, a former pastor in Haiti and the leader of Haitian Community Help and Support Center in Springfield, Ohio, was getting phone call after phone call from local immigrants...
Christianity Today
2024-09-13 @ 15:47

The Church Can Help End The Phone-Based Childhood

As American kids head back to school this fall, many will do so with smartphones in hand. The average age at which American kids receive their first phone is just 11, and most public schools...
Christianity Today
2024-09-13 @ 10:00

Called to Kenya's Chinatowns

Daive Njuguna's first Chinese class at the University of Nairobi was the most fun he'd ever had in college. The teacher was a jovial young woman from China who cheerfully corrected her students as...
Christianity Today
2024-09-12 @ 21:00

A Subtler Political Idolatry

As a college student, I never missed a State of the Union address. Feeling a sense of patriotic duty, I sat through the whole bloated spectacle: the obsequious handshakes, interminable applause, and...
Christianity Today
2024-09-12 @ 21:00

Tracing the Bible's History Through Time and Space

In one of his many insightful essays, the late missiologist Andrew Walls asked whether one could detect a coherence or continuity over 2,000 years of Christian history. He proposed that one theme...
Christianity Today
2024-09-12 @ 21:00

The Squandering of 'God's Not Dead'

A decade ago, Barack Obama was president. Louis C. K. was hosting Saturday Night Live. And the first film in the God's Not Dead franchise was in theaters. You may know the concept: A college student...
Christianity Today
2024-09-12 @ 10:00


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