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Sunday School & Mustard Seeds

Sunday School & Mustard Seeds

Mustard Seeds at St James and Emmanuel Sunday School meet during both morning services at St James and Emmanuel's 9.30 a.m service. The Children go out early on in the Service in Emmanuel's 9.30 a.m service. Over the coming weeks we will enjoy learning and discovering how Jesus helps us, Loves, protects and welcomes us. How knowing Jesus can be a help to others to know and love Jesus. How Jesus loves us and always wants to be our friend, along with the lessons we do crafts to help the children understand the lessons. The Children always get a chance to show what they have done at the end of the service.

Mustard Seeds meet during the Sunday morning 11.00am service and is for children of Primary School age.
We have now entered a new church year and will be following the gospel readings for year B.
Children who attend Mustard Seeds in the next few weeks will enjoy craft activities and games based on St John's Gospel. The stories will be familiar to us adults: How God's Love Abides with us no matter where we are, and how his Love protects us. Also Jesus preaching and teaching, and some of the healing stories .
We encourage the children to think about how and why Jesus behaved as He did and what message does He have for us today?
Our group at Mustard Seeds is continuing to grow. If any adults feel they could support the teaching of the group please let Heather, Helen H or Helen J know.


article by C W
Sunday 31st December, 2017



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